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Monday, May 4, 2009

Methi Rasam


1/4 bunch of Fenugreek  leaves / Methi / Menthe Soppu

1-2 Green Chillies

Pinch of Turmeric powder

Large grape sized Tamarind

Large grape sized Jaggary

1 - 1.5 tsp Rasam powder

Salt to taste

1-1.5 Cooked Yellow Lentils / Toor Dal / Thogari Bele

2-3 florets of Garlic

1/2 tsp Mustard seeds

Pinch of Asafotida powder

3-4 Curry leaves

1 tsp Ghee

2 tsp Oil


Clean fenugreek leaves, wash them. Chop fenugreek leaves into small pieces as shown in the picture below. Cut green chillies into two pieces.
Put 1 tsp ghee in a thick bottomed vessel and heat it. Add chopped fenugreek leaves and green chilly and fry them for about 4-5 mins in medium flame.
Put tamarind and little amount of water in a bowl. Mash it and keep it aside.
Put this fried fenugreek leaves in a vessel. Add tamarind water, salt, turmeric powder, jaggary and sufficient amount water and bring it to boil. Keep this in medium flame for about 3-4 mins. Add cooked yellow lentils, rasam powder and bring it to boil. ( You can cook yellow lentils(3-4 whistles in a cooker) and keep it in fridge, it won't be spoilt for 8-10 days)Keep the rasam in low flame for about 3-4 mins. Remove outer cover of garlic and mash it. Put mashed garlic, 2 tsp oil in a pan. Once it turns golden in color, add mustard seeds. Once it starts spluttering, add curry leaves, asafotida powder, keep it for few seconds and then add it to rasam. Mix well before serving. It goes well with Rice.

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